Welcome to PCP

You will find us conveniently located in the lower level of the

First United Methodist Church    320 S. Main Street, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

2025-26  2K, 3K, 4K Registration  Info & Instructions

Registration Procedures 25-26

Registration Form 25-26 

2025-26 PCP Scholarship Application

2K & 3K Classes Registration Info

Click on “Registration” Tab at top of page and then choose “Tuition & Fees”.

3K/4K Extended AM/Day Program

NEW Expanded day/times 


Click HERE or at  3K AM/4K PM Extended Program Tab at top

2025-26 4K-Fort Schools Registration

Opens Online Feb 17, 2025                                             

  • 4K AM Class 8-11:10 AM M-Th OR 4K PM Class 11:50AM-3PM M-Th
  • Register  online at  https://www.fortschools.org/4k
  • Please contact Mrs. Raub if you have any questions or need help with 4K online registration at  parentscoop@att.net
  • 4K is a FREE program 🙂 
If your child(ren) turns 4 years old by September 1, 2025, they are eligible for this free educational opportunity at PCP or at any other FASD 4K Site.  PCP will offer a 4K AM class M-Th 8-11:15 AM and a PM class M-Th 11:50AM-3PM. 

2K, 3K and 4K classes are offered at PCP in the morning and afternoon M-Th with state licensed preschool teachers and qualifications as  STEAM educators.

Come take a tour of our classrooms and our  Outdoor Nature Area 🙂 

Call 920-563-7252 or email parentscoop@att.net to set up a tour.